A fantastic offering, Cal! Your story gives us a whispering taste of something supernatural, though with enough realism that Flynn's power could be explained by conventional thinking. (Could his power be mystical/preternatural in nature or is it from the inner strength of a twisted mind?) I love it when a story keeps me wondering at the end as I crave more.
You incorporate the details flawlessly, not as items checked off of a list but as integral points to immerse the reader into your tale. Agnes is given more purpose here as not only a kindly friend to Flynn but one who encourages the use of his talents. You give us more into his stepfather and the meeting of our protagonist with the Father (bonus love to 'only one worthy' line) following the horrific death of his mother. The emphasis with pain as a catalyst and Benedictine references and my goodness I could just go on and on quoting all of the points I enjoy in this story.
Answering what happened those months ago, his meeting the woman, the internet page's message, and then Thoram's final line has me thirsty for more, you know. 😉