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RE: The Church

in #finishthestory6 years ago

Such a worthy chronicle of real and historically accurate events, but Tris, what i have told you about immortalizing our dark secrets on the block chain! How ever will our victims walk willing into the slobbering jaws of death if they know that's what they are, and our lady with pink hair, blue lipstick, however she draws them it, she won't make such a pretty lure any more!

That said, that dark church of the Great Cthulhu sincerely appreciates the time and dedication it takes to document each of those who blood we spill to pen these fine words, and by his mighty tentacle, your efforts have been further rewarded <3



I took my queue from Trump 🤣 There is always those who don’t think and will follow him anywhere. You just keep flashin’ your ... and we’ll do fine.