You got straight into the story, which I think has a very interesting start.
I had wondered curiously whether you would distract me from the river to another area, but you stayed there and told the story straight out. I really liked that, especially because it didn't serve my expectation, which was already trying to anticipate all sorts of scenarios in my mind.
As you know me, I'm raptured about the finale of your story. In fact, the universe reliably delivers the dead mortal enemy. The law of attraction works here in a very immediate way. Here, too, the inclined reader might have assumed that the long time of meditation and waiting would of course be interrupted by everyday things and that an action could now be derived from it. But again No.
Once the enemy lies dead and eaten away in front of you, the purpose of this connection is solved, as once lovers who liked to argue from the heart and whose end of relationship makes the mourning for the eternal quarrel also a loss of a habit. It is a lesson to Renhe that enlightenment comes and he imagines that it could have been different.
I had to smile about the duck and the flower in the two pictures and the glow in the lower one. Little cheeky things.
So very nice to see you. Yes, my ending is one you might appreciate. You actually crossed my mind, or at least some of our conversations did, when I wrote it. There could be no other ending for me.
There's a great movie, if you haven't seen it, Mission, with Robert DeNiro and Jeremy Irons, that affected me deeply when I saw it. In this also, a man sins grievously and struggles to redeem himself. The movie plot is not as simple as my story (life rarely is) but the conflict is the same. Here's a clip of DeNiro doing penance.
I'm glad you noted the little touches in my picture...may be juvenile but I'm playing around with making GIFs. Just taught myself and am having a bit of fun. I'm not an artist but like to express myself through art...odd and frustrating (because I have no skill).
Hope to see you around. This story is a natural for you.
It pleases me that what we talked about was on your mind while writing. Thank you for telling me.
I would like to take up the story but right now I am having a real bad cold (again!) and wore myself already out by trying to deliver a text on my own. As I lost my drive in writing continuously it was some effort.
Unfortunately youtube doesn't allow to watch the clip. Might be different law issues here in Europe.
Learning new things in computer design is always fun once a little progress was made, isn't it. I like those attempts of yours as they show the joy.
Warm greetings to you.
Trying to make a flower GIF for you....having trouble. Imagine a bouquet of perpetually blossoming flowers 🌼