Hehehe I didn't expect the story to turn into action and then supernatural. You are full of surprises, ranwan :D.
The words flow nicely together and the shift of genre is done well enough that it doesn't become jarring. I wonder if Matt remembers something from the previous retry, otherwise he'll probably take the same action again and again. It's up to the old man to give him a different hint. And maybe he could warn him that Sasha brings a gun? He'll probably react differently then ^^.
Oooo!~ A @scrawly joins the comments below! Heyo!~ :*3
For some reason after I read the beginning earlier in the week while curating (@gaby-crb's story) once I got it submitted and shared everywhere the spy story popped into my head. I worked out some details of in my head and then decided I had to add in the supernatural bits to fit better with the "Enchanted" part of the title.
As for Matt's choices, I will share a bit from my reply to calluna above...
I did purposely leave it open to decide how Matt reacted after each restart. Did he let his heart win out and tell Sasha each time? Did he not say a word to her, but having this new knowledge was not able to cover up his nervousness to the point that Sasha, the trained spy picked up on it and had to protect herself once she felt something was off? Or perhaps, he told her about his encounter with Francis, forgives her and wants to help her get out of this mess, only to lead the agents in the corner to get spooked and start the shootout which kills Matt?
He should try running away before she arrives XD. Poor guy must be in wreck if he remembers getting shot again and again by his lover. Pretty sure he won't visit that cafe anymore if he survives this encounter.