Great documentaries to watch on Yle Areena right now

in #finland7 years ago (edited)

I decided to make a list of great documentaries to watch on Yle Areena.

At first I wanted to make a watchlist for myself, but I ended up also listing the films I already saw and really liked.

I hope you find something for you. Enjoy!

About Yle Areena

Yle Areena is a free video-on-demand streaming site, run by the Finnish public broadcasting company Yle. Most of the content is viewable only in Finland, but there are some exceptions that can be viewed globally. There are no advertisements and you do not need a login for the site.

Of these movies, only the Laestadionist documentary Suviseurat, synti, sovitus ja taivas and the Venezuela -themed movie Pako tuhotusta maasta are watchable from anywhere in the world. The rest are watchable only in Finland.

My Recommendations

The Good Postman

The Good Postman

Must-see film about a remote Bulgarian village on the Turkish border. I've never seen a feelgood movie about such a dark topic. A must-watch! Dark but intensely hopeful.
Be quick, only 2 days left!
IMDB score: 7.5

Golden Dawn Girls

Golden Dawn Girls

About the neo-nazi movement in Greece.
Only 11 days left to watch.
IMDB score: 6.7

The Fourth Estate

The Fourth Estate

This 4-part docuseries focuses on the reporters of the New York Times as they endure attacks by President Trump on his first year in office.
Only 9 days left for episode one.
IMDB score: 7.6

Tourist Go Home!

Tourist Go Home!

About tourism, what it's doing to popular destinations, and those who oppose it.
Over 1 month left.
I couldn't find this movie on IMDB.

Suviseurat, synti, sovitus ja taivas

Suviseurat, synti, sovitus ja taivas

About Conservative Laestadianism, a christian movement in Finland, and their yearly camping party Suviseurat.
Watchable forever.
Watchable from anywhere in the world!
I couldn't find this movie on IMDB.

My Scientology Movie

My Scientology Movie

Louis Theroux films Scientologists filming him.
Over 2 months left.
IMDB score: 6.7

The Unknown Known

The Unknown Known

A film by Errol Morris. Donald Rumsfeld explains himself and his decisions in the Middle East.
Over 2 months left.
IMDB score: 7.1

My watchlist

I haven't seen these yet, but I'm going to watch them. They are included here based on critical acclaim, a good IMDB score or otherwise being relevant.

Human - The Movie

Human - The Movie

A documentary film by the world-renowned photographer Tann Arthus-Bertrand.
Only 5 days left!
IMDB score: 8.7

Pako tuhotusta maasta

Pako tuhotusta maasta

The movie the Venezuelan regime doesn't want you to see.
I couldn't find this movie on IMDB.
Watchable forever.
Watchable from anywhere in the world!

Chasing Asylum

Chasing Asylum

About the cruel immigration policies of Australia.
Over 1 month left.
IMDB score: 7.6

Behind The Altar

Behind The Altar

About the continuing child molestation in the catholic church.
Over 1 month left.
IMDB score: 7.6

Food Evolution

Food Evolution

A movie about food and it's future.
Over 1 month left.
IMDB score: 7.0

Punk Voyage

Punk Voyage

About mentally disabled guys and their punk rock band. A sequel to the award-winning documentary Kovasikajuttu.
Over 1 month left.
IMDB score: 7.3

Up To The Last Drop

Up To The Last Drop

About European cities privatizing their water.
Over 1 month left.
I couldn't find this movie on IMDB.

Do Not Resist

Do Not Resist

About Americans, their love for guns and their police force.
Over 2 months left.
IMDB score: 7.0

Kim Dotcom - Caught In The Web

Kim Dotcom - Caught In The Web

The story of the most wanted man online.
Over 2 months left.
IMDB score: 7.0

If you didn't find any movies to watch in this list (that's hard to believe), check out the other free & legal streaming sites in Finland.


Hei, olet mitä todennäköisimmin suomalainen käyttäjä tai ainakin näytät asuvan Suomessa! Tämä on @suomibotti, joka on luomassa Suomi-yhteisöä ja tukemassa suomalaisten ja Suomessa asuvien käyttäjien tarinaa täällä Steemitissä. Etsin laadukasta sisältöä, jolle suon isompia 100%:in upvoteja sekä mahdollisesti re-steemejä.

Hienoa, että löytyy uusia suomalaisia käyttäjiä siipieni alle! Kysy, jos on kysyttävää (Universumin suurimpiin ongelmiin en sitten välttämättä voi taata ehdottoman varmoja ratkaisuja).

Muuten, hyvä kokoelma ohjelmia!

Just in case you don't understand Finnish: I am @suomibotti and here to support the story of Finns and people living in Finland. I look for good content, throw full weight votes, and resteem them, based on my liking.

Should you have any questions, I'll answer them to my ability. Great to find more Finns here!

Kiitos paljon resteemistä! Ehkä joku päivä kirjoitan jotain suomeksikin.

Kieli on vapaa, mutta Suomibottina rohkaisen tietenkin myös kirjoittamaan äidinkielelläkin (suomi taikka ruotsikin)!

Hyvät valinnat! :) Hyvä että muistutit, mulla jäikin vahingossa viimeinen jakso katsomatta The Fourth Estate sarjasta. Pitänee korjata asia.