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RE: Skiing in Messilä on the Last Day of the Winter

in #finland7 years ago

Well, winter (= the time when the 24 h average temperature stays below freezing) usually ends around this time or maybe a week earlier. But if you mean that you personally feel that way, I can only say that your wish will not be granted many times per decade.

I'm fine with March being the fourth winter month. It's better this way than having another April, a.k.a. dog-poop-on-the-footpath month, only darker and colder.


That's true. Wintery march is better. I would still prefer april to be in march and may in april. :D And then six months of august, my favourite month. :D

Heh, I prefer the months in the following order:

July: The warmest month, plenty of school holiday still left

June: A summer month, school holiday just started

August : A solid summer month

May: Summer begins in late May school year almost over

March: Spring break + great outdoor month often with snow but normal length of day

September: Summer ends in mid September

April: Dog poop and rubbish exposed from under the dust in the air but often warm

February: A solid winter month with increasing length of day

October: Not terribly cold yet but summer is definitely over, days are getting darker fast

December: Christmas is the only consolation

January: Either bitterly cold or depressingly dark

November: Dead nature, dark but no snow yet, long winter ahead

Your list is similar to mine (some changes though) if I can't change the nature of the months.