This is a ski trail maintained by the city of Lahti.
What you're seeing in the picture is a snow cat, a tracked vehicle whose weight is used to compact the snow. It is pulling equipment making a corduroy pattern on the surface and a track. Snow grooming extends the useful life of the trail by delaying the melting of the track in the spring. I also makes skiing faster and more comfortable.
When I look at these photos all I can think is those walking marks so close to the skiing tracks :) #laturaivo
The dog walkers are the worst. I remember almost running into some a few times. It can be really dangerous if you're coming down a hill at a high speed just when the dog of some idiot walking it decides to run to the middle of the trail, spanning the leash between the owner and the dog and making evasive action practically impossible. Fortunately, the vast majority of dog owners have the sense to avoid doing that. But I don't like the dog poop on the side, either.
Btw, that picture was taken at the juncture of the ski trail and a foot path.
It also helps in just making the ski platform a better place to ski on...othewise ski would just sink into the snow. However most important use of it for sure is to compact the snow so as to increase its life.
Yeah, that's the idea. Skiers would compact it somewhat by themselves, too. But it would take longer after each snowfall and the quality of the trail would be lower.
Nice landscape, I have never done this sport, I assume it must be great to do it. good luck yours.
Oh crap, that's a beautiful trail and great photo.
Isn't it scary to walk there at night? :d
Not really. The footpath and the bikepaths are usually well lit. It is forbidden to walk on the ski trail but some people do anyway.
I will think twice before walking that trail...
There are probably some maniac perverts waiting for me in the woods with an axe. I'm such a pussy :D
Sigmund might call that projection ... :D
Now i just need to learn how to Sky
Hmmmmmm would be a shame if someone walked on those ski trails
I'd definitely wake up at deep night and secretly walk on them to screw everyone up, Mu-ha-ha-ha!
You were the first person who ever got $0.02 upvote from me btw. I know you wanted to know
Yes, I was waiting for you to tell me! Finally, that day has come!
It almost doubles the 0.01$ amount!
Confession: I once actually did that. I went to walk on the ski trails at 01:00 am for no reason other than ruining the perfectly smooth ski trails
great photo
I would like to one day be able to enjoy the snow. I had no idea that there was machinery of that type. Thanks for sharing those images. Greetings and Good Day!..
Nice post
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What fun!.. They are so naive!..
Amazing photography
:)Nice one @markkujantunen
No, that is not amazing photography. That particular picture is quite mediocre. It is not there to impress anyone. It is there to show people in warm countries what a well-maintained ski trail looks like.
:) But it look nice @markkujantunen
Thanks. I suppose snow can be nice to look at if there isn't much in your country.
I never seen snow in my country
Maybe oneday i'll travel to a country that has winter
So i can see and feel snow it self
It's cold, powder-like and it will melt in your bare hand. If its temperature is close to melting point, it will be slightly sticky.
really happy if I can feel it directly. Btw Thanks for the explanation. I hope to be good friends with you friend. U're a great man
:DYeah ikr @markkujantunen