I want to do that with images of my authorship, I have no plans to plagiarize or steal any that is not my author, quiet friend, just gave the idea of making a publication with the 10 best images taken by myself
What I did was share my idea with you, I thought it would be good if you made a publication with the 5 best photos of each month
Sorry about that. My misunderstanding was caused by your talking about adding mine to a gallery. It is a good idea.
Posted using Partiko Android
Quiet friend, it was not your fault, I just did not know how to express myself correctly, I'm still in learning mode with the English language
Ok. You idea is worth exploring and trying. How many photos per month do you think is the best number?
Personally I think that with the 5 best pictures and describing why you liked them better or are the best ... it would be more than good