Dear Hive
If you have taken the first steps in making a fire, it is good to choose its shape. It is best to consider the material you have and what you will use the fire for. Some of these types of fire are more suitable for cooking, while others are suitable for drying clothes or their ability to warm you better.

The types of fire are types, protective fire, pyramid and fire in the ditch.
And so…
Fire Tippi
The fire has the shape of Native American types. To do this, place the lighters in the center of the place where you want to light the fire. Arrange small twigs next to them in the form shown. Light the center with lighters and wait until the fire is lit, then start putting bigger and bigger twigs and trees. When the fuel runs out in the center of the fire, the branches on the side will fall inside and continue to burn.
This fire is extremely easy to make and is used successfully even when the trees are wet and difficult to ignite. When you put them in the tip, they dry until it's their turn to burn.
If the trees are wet, avoid inhaling the smoke they will release, as it also releases toxins and other chemical elements that can lead to headaches or other unpleasant conditions!
Protective fire
You can make this fire by following the picture. Now you have to make a 30 degree ground angle.Point the end of the rod in the direction of the wind. In this way, after arranging the twigs and trees along the green stick, which serves as a guide, you will get a protected leeward place where you can more easily light the lighters for this fire.
Fire in a ditch
This type of fire is used when there is not enough air movement to easily ignite the dust or moss that is used to light the fire. To do this, dig two ditches about 30 centimeters long and deep and wide, about 6-7 centimeters. The ditches should be in the shape of a cross.
Fire Pyramid
To make the foundations of this fire, put two small logs or branches at some distance from each other. Arrange a solid row of smaller trees across these two bases. Make 3-4 more layers of trees, making sure that they are always placed across the previous row and that each subsequent row should have smaller trees. Put lighters on top and light them.
It is extremely suitable for heating at night because it does not have to be maintained and controlled.
There are other different types to light a fire. Make your choice according to available resources and needs.