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RE: .

in #fireking4 years ago

It seems that where there's will there's a way!
I wasn't actually aware that you could reach gold (even if just slightly) for less than a thousand.
When I joined the game a few months ago I played two allnighters in a row and I got to champ II purely on rented cards and I was profiting. Just the season after that I was renting the exact same collection of cards but for a much higher price and actually lost money for playing. That's when I looked into the economy and thought we were going down a dangerous path. I hope to have at least some impact on other's journey :)
Let's see


I also want to say, that of course I am also doing this to make money. I am not stupid.
But what people don't understand is that with quest potions and my it skills (and tools I had already developed) I had the means to scale out bots exponentially and rug the entire BSC pools for both SPS and DEC since the ROI was so fast with potions. I didn't do that. I instead sounded the alarm regarding potions to the bot operators who then sounded the alarm directly to Aggroed. I want the game to thrive for the long-term and be invested in it profitably for years to come.

Oh yeah. I'm at 1793 rating with a total value of 270$ right now. Touching 1900 pretty often. It's just not worth renting enough cards to get the power.

My alt is at 1960 right now with a networth of about 450$.

I like your outlook. You seem aware of the power you wield and try to handle it responsibly. Still it is scary to see you talk about the damage you would be able to do. I hope you stay on the right path.

Luckily they were fast to patch Quest potions and I can't do nearly the same damage anymore and with current economics any major damage I potentially could do would be too risky for me to attempt. I am not scaling out to more bots than I have right now for those reasons; I don't know if they will ever pay themselves. So I think you can rest assured :)

I will study your deck, looks as if a great deal of thinking went into it!