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RE: .

in #fireking4 years ago

Splinterlands let you. They gave you free 'ghost cards' that were sold under the condition that they were limited issued NFT cards that would be winning the rewards. NOT. They gave you counterfeit server copies of the cards, that you and many other used to make a MINT. The newbies are the ones that will suffer in the end. The values in the game will go DOWN after CL is released. The cat is out of the bag, they killed it by obliging bots: I am unhappy about the precendents being set over there. I believe they have TERROIZED the values and principles of BLOCKCHAIN GAMING. SHAME SHAME.


NFT = Non-Fungible Token, a unique digital asset which can be traded / destroyed / combined (up-leveled) etc. The "ghost cards" are not NFTs. They have no value in and of themselves and will not yield anywhere close to top earnings in the game. They merely give a path for new players to try the game at a very low barrier to entry before deciding to invest. Before this was implemented, many witnessed discussions about this topic in realtime and there was a lot of support from individual players (not bot operators) for these ghost cards. There is a valid concern: what helps a new player by reducing entry costs to get to earnings faster can often be exploited by bots - those exploits are continually discussed, analyzed and fixed when necessary.