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RE: SoCal Fire Report - August 8 - Mendocino Complex fire estimated to burn until September/ Go Bag Suggestions

in #firereport7 years ago

Fire is no joke. There's a 1400 acre fire burning just 3 miles from my house. Made the sky turn red for a couple days. If I had to evacuate the only thing I could be concerned about is my dog. Everything else can be replaced.


Are you packed and ready to go with some doggy supplies, too? Full tank of gas? 3 Miles is pretty close, how is the air quality by you? Hope you are staying safe!!! Keep us posted :)

Oh they have that fire contained. And I'd have a lot more to worry about than the house catching fire. Parachute CO has hundreds of thousands of gas wells surrounding it for hundreds of square miles. See all those sandy circles with roads leading to them? And this is a small snapshot. If you were to scroll this map you'd see this goes on for miles and miles around here. If the wells caught fire the whole country would be in trouble! The gas and oil that comes from Parachute supply 60% of the country's natural gas consumption. But they made it rain here for a couple of days and if necessary I'm sure they would have brought in the National Guard or whatever it took to put this fire out.



