Hey everyone!
I'm Luca, or bafi. I'm presenting my self again on HIVE!
- I joined 2018-02-15 on STEEM
- I'm an Italian med student, aiming to be either a radiologist or pediatrician
- I love LEGO, the automotive industry and motorcycles
- I LOOOOOVE Splinterlands, Magic the Gathering and strategical games!
- I'm a FC INTER supporter, Ferrari and Ducati enthusiast! Living for the 🔵⚫️and the 🔴
- I'm a translator! I'm proficient in English, thanks to @yabapmatt I've been in charge of the Italian translation of @splinterlands and have been involved in major projects over the years, like @buildteam and others. If you want professional translation from English to Italian or viceversa, comment below or shot me a DM in Discord (@bafi#8941). It will really help in this period of quarantine. Yeah, there is plenty of time, you guessed right!
- I tried starting a LEGO project and a Drone one on Steemit. Maybe this HIVE shift will make them more sustainable long term!
Stay safe and have a great week!

Bafi is the man and rockstar spliterlands player. Hope all is well man. Stay safe.
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