Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued....The Big Lie.

in #fisa6 years ago

The big lie stills stalks the land.  Hopefully, this does not work as well as it used too.  But the Main Stream Media hacks of the Deep State Cabal are at it again.  Not only with Justice Kavanaugh, but now we return to "Russia, Russia, Russia."

Where did it all start?  Seth Rich stole DNC info and leaked it.  Emails leaked by Wikileaks show Podesta wanted to make example of the leaker. Rich was killed. Deep State narrative among the 5-eyes intel services is that Russia hacked the DNC.   No evidence for this claim, but it is now the official narrative.  We also know that an IT expert working for Deborah Wasserman Schultz and the DNC named Awan had access to the DNC server and the accounts to over 85 Democrats on the Hill.  We are also pretty sure Awan flipped on DWS and the DNC in light of the charges made and sentencing given by the DOJ.  So this could be another source of leaks from the DNC, but it looks like a spy ring out of Pakistan embedded at DNC in Washington.


Why is this topic back in the news now?  What are our "allies" trying to hide by promoting a false narrative?  The FISA de-classification is pending.  The DOJ IG report on the FISA matter is due to land soon as well.  What does the FISA reveal?  Can it be that Foreign "allies" of Obama and HRC were helping set up Donald Trump and after the election, direct efforts to have him removed?  Could this be why Australian and New Zealand governments called Trump recently asking him to hold off?  Once we nail these "Allies" with one crime, we will probably investigate the bribes between their political leaders and the Clinton Foundation.  Who knows how far back the corruption goes?  Trump's Executive Order[s] are dealing with these crimes too.


These "allies" of ours also seem dead set on setting Russia up for a fall as well.  Everything is a Russian plot these days.  When we are discovering real national security risks with China.  Don't look over there, look over here.  Don't fall for it folks.  Once again the world is in for a real risk of false flag attacks.   Why is Trump not playing their game?  Trump's removing the US from harmful trade treaties will gore whose ox?


Who is the world's largest trading partner?  China.  Who did the Clinton's give our technology away to?  China.  Who was getting all of HRC's secrets from her email server?  China.  Once again, look over there folks, not over here. Q Post 2377.   Who benefits from a war between Russia and the USA?  China?  Maybe.  Donald Trump wants to straighten out the bad trade deals with China and other countries.  A war puts all of that on hold.  It allows our economy to collapse.  It hides the corruption.


We need to start looking at China folks.  Who have they corrupted or blackmailed?  Why did Chinese Foreign students in the USA rise to over 12k under Obama?  Why did Obama's half brother operate Obama.com in China from 2008-2012?  Bribes?  To who?  The scandals that are being concealed by the Deep State will soon be revealed.  We may find that the U1 deal with Russia was a way to accuse Russia of a nuclear attack in the middle east.  Russia was being set up.  Israel might have been the target.  Obama and Clinton were up to their necks in bribes over the U1 deal. Processed uranium, with a ban on out of country shipment was shipped out of country via Canada.  Was Canada part of the scheme to frame Russia?  Probably a good guess.


Did the Deep State Elites hear about the upcoming war with Russia?  Why else were they buying up New Zealand property by the 1000's for "safe" harbor?  When was HRC supposed to declare war vs Russia?  They never thought she would lose.


Does it now help explain the 98% negative coverage of Trump in our Media?  Who owns our media companies?  6 international corporations chock full of deep state elites. Does it help explain the media panic over the Kavanaugh Supreme Court Appointment?  Do not believe the "fake news" folks.  They are a division of the Democrat Party, which is a fully owned subsidiary of the Deep State Cabal.  Trump is the people's choice to break them up and re-establish the "rule of law."  Get excited folks.


As for the media, remember that a recent IG report pegs over 300 media folks bribing DOJ/FBI agents for stories.  This makes them part of the classified info leak that is not protected under freedom of speech, as they become an agent of the leak.  How many of these media folks are working for foreign governments?  You see that they are no different than spies using influences with DOJ and FBI agents.  A superbowl ticket here, a paid media appearance there.  It is a crime folks. Oops!


Until the final round up of the world's corrupt, yes this is world wide, we will be at risk of an accidental war brought on by the evil Cabal that wants to hide the abuse of power that goes beyond our imagination.  Pray for POTUS and the Plan.

We're winning. But remember our country's history with false flags that got us into past wars.  Meanwhile, we find the Chinese standing in the corner saying: "Let you and Russia fight." Oh my! It sounds like we are living in interesting times.