in #fishing7 years ago (edited)

ENG - Moments that I wait for all my life.
In this small video, the summary of the capture of a monstrous brown trout.
Trout caught by fly fishing technique. This river (Agogna) is located in Borgomanero (Italy), within a tusitic reserve inaugurated a year ago. In this stretch of river fishing has been inhibited for 40 years. For this there are monstrous specimens of brown trout
The battle was intense, more than an hour has been duated. The fish has been sailed and released after opportune ossigenaiozne. We were both exasperated.
weight: 4.2 kg
length: 81 cm
gender: male
age: approximately 10 years

cattura 1.jpg

guadinata 1.jpg

trota msotruosa.jpg

images of my property - video made with gopro hero 4 session and IPhone7

ITA - Momenti che si attendono tutta la vita. In questo piccolo video il riassunto della cattura di una mostruosa trota marrone.
Trota catturata con la tecnica della pesca a mosca. Questo fiume (Agogna) si trova a Borgomanero (Italy), all'interno di una riserva tusitica inaugurata un anno fa. In questo tratto di fiume la pesca è stata inibita per 40 anni. Per questo ci sono esemplari mostruosi di trota marrone
La battaglia è stata intensa, è duarata più di un ora. Il pesce è stato salpato e rilasciato dopo opportuna ossigenaiozne. Eravamo entrambi esasuti.
peso: 4.2 kg
lunghezza: 81 cm
genere: maschio
età: approssimativamente 10 anni

▶️ DTube

That is a monster. I am a little surprised you were able to hook into it with the water conditions so calm! Great job! Upvoted, Resteemed.

Thanks :)
It's really a monster, it has a tremendous beak

What an awesome fish! The beauty of fishing is you never know what the next cast will bring up!

Exactly @andyfishman, you go a fortune, which is not smepre. often prey are daughters of preparation and ability
Thank You for Resteem :)

A fish like this deserved to be resteemed mate. Again, absolutely wonderful job. As you say, preparation and ability - and it sure paid of for you in this one!

a fish like that, it's a real rarity ... thanks :)

Good fish=) an interesting kind of trout=)

@vadiikk thanks :)
a wonderful native brown trout of Mediterranean stock, with fantastic colors.

Thank You, a very monster!!!

Wow. That is huge! Didn’t realize they could get that big.

@pablop it is at the limit of size, dear because in a small stream