Underneath a Highway
So there we were at a campsite beside the Brunswick river. It rained and the weather didn't seem to become better the next couple of days. Chris and me met a few other people at the camping spot, who went fishing in little boats. One of them told us that we wouldn't need a boat at this spot to catch fish. Just the right bait would do it’s job. He gave us a few ‘Yabbies’, which he caught by himself. Those Yabbies look somehow similar to prawns.
That Campsite is located very close to the Highway as well. All we needed to do is, to walk down the river, which didn't take us more than 2 minutes and find the bridge. If you're standing underneath it, then the rain can’t reach you! We had fresh baits, a fishing spot and we were dry… what could be better than that?
Probably to catch a fish! And yes, we have had some luck that night. Beside a few small Bream we caught 2 Stingrays as well. They weren't huge but it was a lot of fun catching them on light fishing gear.
This fishes looks scary seriously,nice catch though@i-gordan
Thanks mate!