definitely I will try. We have small river with äsche neer me.
and one more question abaut äsche, it is Der äsche or Das äsche? I had german language in school long time ago...
!CATtip 1 CAT
definitely I will try. We have small river with äsche neer me.
and one more question abaut äsche, it is Der äsche or Das äsche? I had german language in school long time ago...
!CATtip 1 CAT
sent successfullyyour tip of 1 CAT towards @mrf83 was
Sounds great! I think you will enjoy it. So it is actually called Die Äsche 🙂 I know it is very confusing as you say Der Fisch but each species can have a different article for exampleit is Der Hecht (pike). I hope I didn't confuse you more now😁