How To Catch White Perch Easily

in #fishing4 years ago

How To Catch White Perch Easily: Use a bait casting rod. A Number 1 hook will be O.K. Angle worms are all right for bait. If you use a float, adjust it so that the hook will be about three or four inches from the bottom of the lake.

If you fish without a float, use a small sinker, pinching it to the line six or eight inches above the hook. Let the bait sink slowly. When the sinker hits bottom, raise it nine or ten inches and keep it there for a couple of minutes. Raise it slowly and make another cast.

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If you are fishing on a lake where white perch are known to be plentiful, and you don’t have any luck, paddle your canoe or row your boat to another section of the lake and make several casts. If this isn’t successful, try another and still another spot. When you do catch a white perch, stay in the vicinity because they are “school” fish and you may catch a dozen or more as fast as you can lower and raise your baited hook.

How To Catch White Perch - Use a bait casting rod. A Number 1 hook will be O.K. Angle worms are all right for bait.

Just at dark is the best time to fish. At certain seasons they will take a fly at this time of day. Use your regular fly rod and wet trout flies, as shown in Chapter 25, with a little lead “twiston” on your leader. Let fly sink well under water and retrieve it slowly.

When they are taking a fly you will get them faster and have a lot more sport than with bait.

If there is an old log dam at the outlet of the lake or pond you are fishing, try your luck in the deep-hole just below the dam. It is a good place to fish at the opening of the season.

White perch were valuable fish to early settlers in Maine. Because of this they were introduced into many waters where they were not native. Today, they are abundant.