Fishing South Australia

in #fishing7 years ago

Just to show that catching a 20lb+ fish is not a fluke, here is another from the river Torrens in the city of Adelaide.


The fish was caught on my trusty Vegemite and liver boilies from the far margin. A PVA bag of crushed boilies gave enough smell in the water to bring the beastie on to my bait.


Leave some for the rest of us.

Don't worry young padawan - fish is waiting for you -it is - when you know how - :)

I'm pretty sure I have a good idea how; I just need a day without kidlets or work.

i used to take my kids with me - they would disappear looking for lizards -and took a hand net with them to catch the mosquito fish - they loved it.

I liked dropping the yabbie net when I was a kid.
That's always an option too.

i don't have any yabbie nets! i should really pick some up for when i'm out - take some sausage as bait- Getting a good free feed on the bank would be great.

O' your fish-posts @realtreebivvy - I've liked them and voted, but didn't have much to say as I don't engage in life-taking actions myself. Please know that I don't judge. Besides, I would imagine that your relationship is one of connection, respect and gratitude to the life energy that gave itself for your pleasure. I guess I've still nothing much to say, just wanted to comment and say hello and Happy fishing proBro :-D

Hi buddy - :) The fish was returned nice and safe to fight another day - i only take what i intend to eat so id say 95% of what i catch is returned. i'm sure fishing would be a great past time for you - a chance to get out with Shanti and enjoy the countryside, pit your wits against a cunning trout maybe.

Really great to hear that :) ... you know, thinking seriously about it, I'd absolutely love the quiet sitting in nature, with water. Fish unharmed too! Hmmm, might have to wait for the Matrix to disintegrate and I visit South Australia :) And Shanti, well her human (I'm just a besotted fan :) is also a non-fishing planteater, but she does love going in the water. Hope your day in court went well for you btw.

I might take a fish or two a year for an eater for someone, not me, I don't eat fish. But hundreds are caught and returned by me each year. Nothing as big as this, but good fun anyway.

To prove it does not harm the fish, I have caught several fish multiple times. One golden perch I caught twice in two casts on the same lure. I released it, he swam out, saw the lure and decided to get his revenge on the damned thing, only to get caught again. One big brown trout I caught probably 6 times, he even had 2 of my lures in his gob from the previous day on one occasion. It depended on how far from his tangle of fallen willows he took the lure on whether I landed him or he would wrap me in a tangle of twigs. I swear he had as much fun in the contest as I did. Cost me a fortune in Rapalas and Nilsmasters before I found the right colours in tassie devils.

But the point is, catch and release of fish, particularly using barbless hooks, is not an issue to the fish and fishing becomes a non-kill hunting activity to be enjoyed by all.

Thanks for the help in expanding my perception, really appreciated!Hey @andyfishman, thanks man for a really cool non-violent illustration of how fishing could be more of a playful interaction between two living beings! I'd never seen it like that and therefore, would never have considered it for myself! Under these circumstances, I probably now would :).

Always happy to encourage a go at fishing. Most of my best times are had on the river or lake shore, whether the fish are biting or not. Just being there and interacting with the wildlife a watersource attracts is great. And for some reason, many animals are less timid or aggressive near a pool, seems a sort of treaty often exists.

I can dig that. And yeah, animals in their natural environment, plus sensing respect from humans who interact with them! Nice image - treaty, unspoken and natural!

Wow, what was the weight of that big beauty? What a fantastic catch! How exciting for you. There will be some wonderful meals in your house for the next while.

Hi Carey - the fish was returned unharmed - i go carp fishing mainly for fun - i'm going sea fishing tomorrow as soon as i get out of court. :) - i think the fish went 22lb on the scales...

That is great. Nice to see someone return such a beauty. 22lbs wow. Hope court goes well. Enjoy fishing!

Good carp =))

Wow what a fish man!!!

Thank you :)