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RE: Fit@40: Fighting With Marv #1 "Losing my first wind"

in #fitat407 years ago

Okay I'm not going to embarrass myself again by saying something about your looks, haha, oh but come on boxing now? sheesh. I hope you don't take me the wrong way, I was teasing about not telling my hubby, he reads a lot of my comments :) He also used to do quite a bit of boxing, and I might not know firsthand what its like, but secondhand I can back you up, it is WORK. Hard work. And good for you.

I will definitely NOT be missing the next steemfest. I actually jumped on your page because I just read the darling @ezzy's post- I truly love that man, he is one of the sweetest, kindest, most generous souls out there- and his praise of you was all I needed to hear to know you are a good man.