Mondays Don't HAVE To Suck!

in #fitness6 years ago

I think we all feel how this cat looks at the beginning of the week sometimes... When the alarm goes off (for me, around 5am) I bet once or twice we've all thought, "maybe if I just close my eyes it'll all go away!"

I definitely do NOT pop out of bed every morning alert and refreshed, guns blazing, ready to grab my day by the balls - I wish I could say I did, but I struggle to get rolling sometimes just like everyone else.

We've been out of town a lot lately, so especially after spending time on the road and out of my element I feel much less energized than usual...

BUT, I do try to snap right back into a routine that gives me the best chance of starting my week off on the right foot, and makes me forget that Monday is the toughest day of the week!

Here's what I personally do to make my Mondays less sucky:

  • Program the coffee pot the night before, so I have some ready for me BEFORE my feet hit the floor. There's something about waking up and smelling the coffee (literally) that really helps me get going!

  • Reflect on what I'm grateful for. I often do this as I'm making my almond-coconut milk latte before coaching my morning class, or on the drive to meet our clients... Thinking about all the good things in my life helps to really snuff out the urge to complain!

  • Decide on an incentive. I like to have something to look forward to after I complete all of my responsibilities for the day - I find everything goes by more quickly and I'm even more excited for the end of the day when I get to collect on my promise to myself. I like to have a home "date night" and cook dinner with my boyfriend, take a warm bath, or walk on the beach at sunset... Tons of options here, so get creative!

  • Get my workout in. My weekends are often all over the place, and thus, so are my workouts... I actually like the structure of exercising at the same time every day (for me, this is in the morning), so getting straight back to my routine feels good :)

  • Ditch the negativity and celebrate! Focus on the positives - things you like, things you accomplish throughout the day, whatever. Pick out all the good things and relish them! Soon that will become a pattern, and it makes life so much better!

This may not be easy all the time, but it's totally doable. Start your week with a heavy dose of happiness that you create and perpetuate yourself!

Guide your thoughts to the great stuff in your life and appreciate what you have going on. I promise you'll be so glad you did! This kind of work is all self-reinforcing - the more you find the good, the more good you'll find :)

We're all lucky, blessed, and fortunate in our own ways, so let's hone in on that and start enjoying all 7 days of our weeks!

How do you make your Mondays great?

Please feel free to comment, upvote, or resteem if you'd like! :)

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Yes! Thank you so much :)

How can Mondays suck when you have a cute cat picture to look at? haha. "Someone has a case of the Mondays" hahaha. I love Mondays. I think if you take some time to plan on Saturday and Sunday for what you want to do and accomplish on Monday and the rest of the week, then that helps as well. :)

Hahaha!!! I always think of that line - Office Space is hilarious! And I totally agree, love your suggestions :) hope you're having a great week!

lol yeah that movie is hilarious! :) I am having a great week so far I hope you are too!

"Mondays are fine, it's your life that sucks" - Ricky Gervais

Hahaha!!! That's AWESOME 😂😂😂