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RE: Goals, Habits, Expectations, and Reality (Week 11 Accountability Report)

in #fitness7 years ago

I think setting small goals is so important for your mental health because you can experience success along the way to your ultimate goal! It keeps you focus and encouraged and it makes you feel as if your end goal isn't far away!

I love that saying even though everyone has heard it a million times... There is a reason why people have heard it over and over again, it's true! Its the journey that is important! The journey makes you a stronger, healthier, happier person! :)


I feel like I’ve lost my way a million times in the past. Sometimes, that has been good. Sometimes, it hasn’t. I like the rhythm I have going now: a long term goal with weekly check-ins and smaller goals (both related and unrelated) on the way.

Thanks for the comment!