Oh interesting... I've actually been wondering if other people in my building have been doing something similar... while I'm on the rowing machine... dudes will come in, do some tricep curls and leave... and I thought that was so strange. It's so different from the whole; do a warm up, do a 40 minute workout, then stretch... but I can totally try this.
I'll try it with pull ups on Thursday. I used to do 6 sets of 6 reps... but then took a rest for 2 weeks and then 3 sets of 6 the following 2 weeks. 3 sets has felt way too light, so I'll see if I can do 6 but spread over a whole day and see how that goes.
I would be interested knowing how it goes and what you think of it. I think your suppose to keep it easy about half of what you can do to max, but do the sets an hour apart to give your chance to fully recovery. A bit of a game changer for me. I just do body weight stuff so I can fit it in any where.