Thank you for posting information to dispel the myth that saturated fat is bad for us. Eskimos in the Arctic Circle have the highest fat diet in the world and they are among the most healthy. That is unless they live close to a government commissary where they have unlimited access to Coca-Cola and Snickers bars. When the American Heart Association, the American Medical Association and the Food and Drug Administration banded together to condemn cholesterol as the cause of heart disease in 1968 the heart disease death rate was 50% in the US. Almost all men and women over the age of 55 are on some type of anti-cholesterol medication, the diet in the US has shifted to chicken being the most consumed protein. Well guess what the death rate for heart disease is today here in the US? 50%! I can't believe that after all this time people are still sucking on that utter.
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Of course! I'm a big proponent of dispelling the false ideals that pharma and big food companies love to feed us ;)
Yes, I've heard that about Eskimos as well. The amount of fat they eat is truly incredible! 50% is absolutely ridiculous. It sickens me that these organizations and corporations are able to feed such lies to everyone about diet and nutrition. Diet and nutritional information should be totally transparent and accessible to everyone. My father takes anti-cholesterol medication and guess what his diet has been throughout his whole life? A carb based diet that is lower in fat and higher in carbs. Guess who profits from his frequent visits to the doctor and on-going prescriptions? Government and pharma companies. It's a shame. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as always! You're always bringing some great data to the table @chuck2u32!
I'm honored by your kind words, sir. My father is no longer with us, but in his final years he would watch television and ask his doctor to prescribe drugs he saw advertised that he though would help his several health maladies. The drug companies knew what they were doing when they started to advertise their products directly to the public. Fasting and ketogenic diets will never be mentioned because there is no revenue stream for the broadcasters. Fasting and ketogenic diets and their healing power are free to the public.
Anytime my friend! That is a really common experience from what I've seen and heard. These drug companies are absolutely being destructive to society because of their fear of lost revenues. But you know the funny thing? They're not publicly being scolded like Mark Zuckerburg is for Facebook censorship... Why don't we have news coverage on this much broader issue of false advertising and steering public mindset!?
I don't know where you live, but broadcasters here make between 20 and 25% of their revenue from drug advertising. They are not going to bite that hand. News stories like this one will never be seen on cable or free television: