Completed WO 1/5 today. Ran 1 mile in 10:35 over 1:00 off my original mile time and my original goal for this 6 week challenge! Woohoo! Gonna see if I can get better! Also did a yoga session.
Completed WO 1/5 today. Ran 1 mile in 10:35 over 1:00 off my original mile time and my original goal for this 6 week challenge! Woohoo! Gonna see if I can get better! Also did a yoga session.
Completed WO 2/5 today. Back Squats 3x10 reps at 125# and 1x7 at 145#. 5 rounds of 10 Toes-To -KB and 13 Am KBS 44#.
Completed WO 3/5. Mike run 11:02 pace. 25:00 yoga. 4:00 Hollow Body.
I was just going to ask how your challenge was going - this is soo awesome for you!!! Well done @coachjj. :)
Thank you, thank you!! I am excited! I ran with a friend who is faster than me; her push helped ;)
Yay Go me!!!!! hehe but shhhh don't tell anyone else k..... lolhey @coachjj just thought I'd let you know that I've lost some weight and am on track to meet my goal :) As of this morning I've lost 2.2kilos which is 4.8 pounds :)
OMG!! That’s awesome!! I’m jumping up and down right now!!! Keep it up!
Yesterday completed WO 4/5. Rowed 1 mile in 7:23. Yoga session. Accumulated 3:00 Hollow Body hold.
Today completed WO 5/5. Assault Bike 4:00 warmup. Gymnastics class of various gymnastics drills.
Get it coach!!!! 😎 Nice job!!!! I am definitely not messing up my "winning streak"! I'll be getting in my 5 workouts this week too! Hehehehe