To be honest I have tried many methods and I think it comes down to a number of actual calories we eat and burn and as long as we keep our macronutrients in check for our particular goal then I don't think it matters. What I did do was an experiment where I only ate protein from around 7pm , so I would have a chicken breast and 2 egg whites for the last snack and then some casein right before bed to release protein while asleep. But that was only when I was training an insane amount of weights and cardio and I actually lost to much weight, due to lack of carbs. So it comes down to balance as well.
Everyone reacts different and you need to experiment before reaching your target
I think it comes down to one demon and that is sugar. As long as you don't eat processed sugar and you have the right macros for goals and portion control I think everything is coatia.
right, balance of macronutrients is the main thing + insulin and cortisol!
I am not proponent of the carbohydrate-free diet.