alking. For most people it’s their main form of communication. But like most things, there’s a right way and a wrong way.
So let’s go over the do’s and do not’s of HOW TO TALK TO PEOPLE
Mumble. Come on, nobody wants to try to understand someone talking at negative decibels while juggling marbles in their mouth.
Speak Clearly. Try and engage in conversation at a level of those around you.
Use ‘word whiskers.’ Uh, um, like and you know are phrases which should not exist in your vocabulary.
Speak with direction. Remove the whiskers and your conversation will make wonders.
Look for the B.B.D. or, BIGGER, BETTER DEAL.
Stay Engaged with who You’re Talking To and don’t just pretend you’re listening, REALLY listen. This isn’t a one way street, pal.
Refuse to Make Eye Contact. Eyes are the window to the soul and if you refuse to look at ‘em you come across as an awkward a-hole.
Make Eye Contact - but just be careful not to turn it into a creeper stare.
Just wait for your turn to talk. Look, we know you’ve got something you really wanna say. But wait your turn ok? And don’t think talking over the other person is gonna help your cause. It’s not.
Really listen to who you’re talking to and make it a conversation, not just two people waiting their turn to talk about what THEY feel should be talked about.
Alright, so we went over a few DO’s and DO NOT’s now let’s take a look at the worst of the worst in the Talking Hall of Shame
The Phone User - dude, we know you’ve just uploaded a new photo and you’re refreshing every 2 seconds to check on the new likes but come on, put the phone doooown.
The Religion and Politics Dude - with this dude you’re free to express your opinion, as long as it matches his perfectly. Travel this conversational road with heavy caution.
The “Doesn’t Know How to End a Conversation” Dude - This one couldn’t end a conversation if his life depended on it. Our suggestion? Just say goodbye and run.
The Shouter - Somebody just turn down the volume on this one, please!
The Personal Space Invader - Everybody has their own personal bubble, and this dude excells at entering it wether you like it or not.
The “Sorry” Dude - What can we say? He’s really, really sorry.
The Nervous Laugher Dude - They laugh at your corny joke, and then they just keep laughing and laughing and laughing…
These are good tips. For my work I go to about 10 conferences a year and need to go to more small networking events, so these types of tips are great for me.
I also recommend going into every event that has high potential for awkward conversation with a stock question to rescue failing conversations.
I love their channel, they are so funny but very useful stuff