Normal Routine for the day, If i'm feeling up for it, might add in a quick walk but I am tired!
3 Sets of 3 Minute Jump Rope
3 sets of 20 Bicycle Kicks
3 sets of 10 Sit-ups
3 sets of 15 Push-ups
3 sets of 15 Squats
3 Sets of 10 Biceps 20 Lbs
3 Sets of 15 Triceps 10 Lbs
Must say I am rather looking forward to my rest day tomorrow, I am in for a nice little treat. Star Trek all day on the couch, and then I get to volunteer my time for a sketch comedy group. Sounds like a really good rest day to me in my opinion.
But as for today, things I am starting to notice, the push-ups are not quite as exhausting as they used to be, maybe It is time to up the number there. Also the squats are not quite as crazy as they once were. I know the hardest part of the exercise is the jump rope and I want to do an increase there as well. I know I shouldn't go overboard or I will crash, so I will probably settle on one of the above things.
Hope you're all staying warm during the winter and have a great day!
Really helpful , I just joined the gym 2 months ago after having a baby and I really want to get back in shape now. Little difficult to tone my body but as you know , no pain , no gain
You are right, no pain no gain. Kudos to you by the way, super hard being a new mom and still finding time to workout!
Great Job! Keep up the good work! I am also hoping to keep to an exercise routine over this holiday season, but it might prove difficult! I hope your exercise continues to be fruitful.
I hope it continues to work out for me! Almost at the 2 month mark! I hope your workouts continue long into the New year!
Wow, I just checked your day 1 post, you've really made some progress. How much did you weigh when you first started and how much do you weigh now, if you don't mind me asking?
The weight hasn't really gone down too much, I started the project at 187 lbs, and now I am down to 182 lbs. I think the most significant thing I have personally noticed is the belly, and I feel I have a lot more energy in the day.
Keep that shit up. The first thing you'll notice is some fat loss in the higher density areas, which for you, will be the stomach, around your lower chest, and your waist and legs. After you start to make progress, and the scale has gone down a few more pounds, you'll notice that it stops moving entirely. What's happening is you're going to start building muscle at nearly the same rate you burn fat, pound for pound. Don't be worried. You'll see the scale start to move again soon enough. That would be the best time to start adding high intensity interval training to your workouts. That is proven to be one of the best ways to get the fat loss started.
The last thing I'll say, is when the scale stops moving, quit looking at it. Look in the mirror to see your results. It might take a few weeks for you to notice the changes, but if you're sticking to it, they're going to be there. I promise.
Keep kicking ass my friend. I hope your journey is as fruitful as mine has been!
Don't worry I intend to kick Ass and Kick it Hard!!! I followed you, hopefully i'll get some extra motivation from ya! :)
Goof for you man, keep at it!