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RE: Don’t Throw Away The Yolk!

in #fitness7 years ago

Definitely agree with this. I eat eggs pretty much every day.

The whole cholesterol thing is a myth. Just as you say, dietary and blood cholesterol are completely separate things, yet this is still the paradigm that is pushed in the mainstream and that most people belief.

Definitely best if the eggs are from pasture raised, soy feed free chickens though :)


Yes!! I'm so glad!

I wish it was more widely accepted that the old beliefs about cholesterol are both dated and flawed, because I think it would make a lot of people feel more free and less stressed out about food choices - not to mention letting everyone get some nutrients back in their diet from a healthy, natural source :)

I completely agree about pasture-raised, soy feed free - I'm all about humane and healthy practices regarding animals :) and I have many feelings about soy haha... I won't get started here, but I'm glad we're on the same page!

Thanks for the comment and for the support!