Being in the fitness industry gives me insight into all of the latest and greatest equipment. Many people do not realize how many different types of equipment there are. Even if you go to a new state of the art facility, it is doubtful you have seen a lot of this equipment. Most facilities keep the equipment to the basics, and rarely get a huge mix. Mostly because they have to maximize the cost per square foot. The great thing about fitness today is there are so many options. Everyone should be training in a different way from week to week. If you are in shape, but keep doing the same thing over and over, you will stop progressing. Having a good mix of workouts in your arsenal will help you keep progressing. Today I want to show you an incredible piece of equipment that came out a couple of years ago. It is called a lateral trainer.
At first you may think that this is a stairclimber. But this is more of a combination between a climber and an elliptical. It has a side to side elliptical motion. It is incredible for focusing on your inner thighs going one direction, and your outer thighs going the other. Much like an elliptical , where the forward motion is going to work different muscle groups than the backwards motion will. It is a very intense workout, that may be used as more of a shorter intense workout used to supplement for 15-20 minutes. Of course you can go longer, but it is tougher than a lot of other cardio equipment.
As you can see, it is great at also focusing on your core, depending hwow you position your body. It comes with models that are very basic, and have a dot matrix type display. It also has Hit programs as well. The high end model comes with everything. It is called the Traverse Transcend. It comes with TV, WiFi, bluetooth, etc. This way you can watch your favorite shows, get on Steemit, or listen you your music. I hope that everyone finds this useful, and expands your mind when it comes to your fitness program.