Yoga is a very complete activity. Through the different postures, known as "asanas", and the control of breathing, muscle tone, elasticity, relaxation and connection with oneself are exercised. Yoga can be practiced during pregnancy, as long as it is supervised by a specialist. Yoga is a recommended activity and if you want to know why and its benefits, you are in the right place.
Pregnancy is a period in which great changes occur, both physical and psychological and the woman has to assimilate and adapt to these changes quickly. Sometimes, the need for adaptation overwhelms pregnant women because it is a period in which the woman's body experiences changes in size and volume that can generate discomfort such as back pain, swelling in the legs and fatigue. Similarly, changes in a woman's hormone levels during pregnancy can cause emotional disturbances, such as mood changes. Nausea and dizziness are also common during the first trimester, although the last two symptoms vary depending on the organism of each on.
Also, pregnancy is a stage in which the woman is especially sensitive. The pregnant woman experiences many emotions in a very short time: illusion and happiness for the future motherhood, fear that everything develops properly, anxiety in the face of the uncertainty that the arrival of a baby supposes, etc. yes, especially anxiety becomes present. For all this, it is highly recommended that the pregnant woman take care both physically and emotionally, especially if she is a new mother. So, Yoga is a very complete activity that responds to the need for the pregnant woman to take care of herself physically, but also emotionally and many doctors recommend it.
Why is Yoga Recommended for Pregnant Women?
Yoga is a millenary practice from that was born in India and is a technique that helps to work together with the body, mind, and spirit and the control of breathing. In the case of the pregnant woman, yoga will help her become aware of her body and the changes that take place in it during this phase. In this way, the pregnant woman can assimilate and accept the bodily changes she is experiencing in a natural and calm way, living them as necessary and positive. In prenatal yoga classes, pregnant women are oriented to connect with their body and with the life that grows inside them. Thus, it is about that they live their pregnancy consciously, flowing with the baby, connecting each other and understanding this beautiful experience.
As for the postures and the teaching of breathing practiced in yoga classes for pregnant women, they are ideal for them since they prevent and alleviate some of the typical discomforts of pregnancy, especially when they have between 6 and 8 months of gestation. These postures strengthen and give elasticity to the muscles of the future mother, being this very beneficial to stay in shape during this period since in an advanced pregnancy, it is recommended not to perform abrupt exercises.
In addition, during the third trimester, postures that facilitate labor can be exercised. The breaths practiced in yoga classes for future mothers are aimed at the complete relaxation of women. This relaxation is essential during childbirth because facing birth with fear and tension makes it more painful as the muscles get even more contracted, hence the importance of relaxation and breathing exercises.
In yoga classes, you learn to know and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic area, which is essential during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. In addition, through relaxation exercises, visualization, and meditation, the connection of the mother with the baby is promoted.
Before practicing prenatal yoga, the woman should consult with her gynecologist if this exercise is appropriate for her specific case. As a general rule, yoga for pregnant women is not contraindicated, although it is recommended to perform only those postures that are suitable for pregnancy. Therefore, it should always be done under the supervision of a specialist.
Positive Effects of Yoga for Pregnant Women
Practicing yoga postures and breaths during this phase brings various benefits, both physical and mental, to the woman who practices it. These benefits are related to the prevention and improvement of typical discomforts of pregnancy and childbirth preparation. In the same way, they are related to an increase in the tranquility and emotional well-being of the pregnant woman. Let’s see some of those benefits:
A) Elasticity: during pregnancy, the muscle band of the perineum, which holds the uterus, must be more elastic to allow the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Many yoga positions act in this area and attenuate contractions, so yoga provides flexibility and elasticity increasing the chances of having a natural birth and contributes to a better postpartum recovery.
B) Muscular tone: stretching is also beneficial for childbirth preparation because it tones the muscles. In yoga classes for pregnant women, many necessary stretches are performed and It keeps the woman agile during pregnancy.
C) Oxygenation: yoga for pregnant women helps to release muscular tensions and improves breathing, favoring the increase of oxygenation of the blood and the child and also, it stimulates the blood circulation and the venous return of the legs, preventing the appearance of edema or varicose veins.
D) You learn to breathe: yoga classes will help increase your lung capacity, with the practice of long and deep breaths.
E) It helps the woman to control her emotions and to live her pregnancy with tranquility and well-being promoting the improvement of mood and anxiety and helps control fears. At the same time, this favors sleep.
F) Baby position: as the pregnancy progresses, the pelvis moves forward and the lumbar curve is accentuated. Yoga for pregnant women helps stretch the back and distribute weight well.
G) Attending prenatal yoga classes allows the future mother to dedicate some time to herself, to connect with her body and with her baby and prepare to receive it with harmony and love.
When a Pregnant Women Can Start Yoga Classes?
If you already practiced this activity before becoming pregnant, you do not have to interrupt it. However, you should inform your instructor or teacher that you are pregnant to adapt the exercises to your condition or refer you to a special class for pregnant women.
If you have never practiced yoga, pregnancy can be a good time to start this activity because, as we have just seen, the many benefits it brings. However, before starting to practice it, as we said before, it is recommended to consult with the gynecologist and attend classes always supervised by a specialist. The good news is that pregnant women can start attending prenatal yoga classes at any time during their pregnancy, only that the exercises will vary depending on the phase of pregnancy they are in. Next, we will see something about it.
Practicing Yoga According to the Pregnancy Trimester
- During the first trimester, a period of great sensitivity and many annoyances for some women, there will be many positions that can not be performed. Therefore, during these months will be soft, passive postures, focused on relaxation and the connection of women with their bodies. This awareness of one's own body and the practice of relaxation prepare the pregnant woman for the acceptance of the great physical changes her body is going to undergo during the nine months of gestation.
- In the second trimester of pregnancy, discomfort decreases. Women tend to feel strong and energetic and their muscles are more flexible. Thus, during this quarter a greater variety of positions can be made.
- In the third trimester, the activities in the yoga classes are mainly oriented to the connection of the mother with her baby, as well as to the practice of beneficial postures during childbirth and always keeping in mind the breathing.
What are the Risks of Practicing Yoga During Pregnancy?
You can practice yoga from the first day without any risk to you or your baby as long as you are in the hands of a good teacher who knows which positions are the most appropriate in each trimester so we recommend finding a specialized center with certified teachers. Practicing yoga during pregnancy goes beyond the physical benefits of exercising to keep you fit. No matter how strong or flexible you are, yoga adapts to you to prepare your body and free your mind.
There are several types of yoga but the one practiced in pregnancy is an activity that is done without much physical effort, where the essential thing is to learn to breathe, to concentrate and work the body without the pressure that will later become the instinctive guide in the dilation and childbirth. Also, some yoga postures for pregnant women favor the child's descent, depending on the different phases.
When the baby's head begins to face the birth canal, postures that straighten the spine are beneficial, attenuating the lumbar curve and increasing the diameter of the upper pelvic area. In contrast, during the last phase of expulsion, the lumbar curve should be accentuated, so that the diameter of the lower area of the pelvis increases. Crouched postures are ideal, which, if accompanied by conscious breathing, help reduce the pain of contractions and the duration of dilation.
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