STOP shaming your Body

in #fitness7 years ago

Happy Thursday!


How was your week? If you're on the same page as me, the weekends are flexible and allow plenty of wiggle room for good food! For some, the weekends can be a challenge to stay on track with your fitness and nutrition goals & can often bring anxiety for some. I purposely set myself up with a blend of "extra" macros or create a killer workout to start my Saturday with - this definitely helps! What are your "tricks" you use to help keep you on track Friday-Sunday?

Which leads me into today's message...


It's so easy, especially on Mondays after a weekend of being 'off track' we find ourselves comparing our bodies to others on social media. Thinking "Man, if I didn't have that extra slice of pizza I would be closer to that 6 pack abs that girl has." Or, "Ughhh why did you eat that ice cream?! Look at her perfect body!" Then we keep going further and further down...pretty much until we've destroyed our self-esteem.

So how do we break this cycle? My one tip that I personally use is to literally "snap out of it!"
The moment you find yourself comparing your current body to someone elses take a deep breath and say this:

"I am in my body, as it is, and that's all I can control."

Because bashing ourselves and wanting to be someone else is OUT of our control. And is it productive? Absolutely NOT. So from this moment forward, forgive yourself for any unkind words you may have said to yourself, and accept the choices you've made and learn from them!

But until then, love the body you're in NOW! It's all you've got & it's capable of so, so much.


Wow.. that was motivational.... dont know how many times i have cursed myself... thanks for the post.... following you for more content... :)

Thank you! Great - you will notice I post a lot about fitness/health & wellbeing! Stay tuned 😊

Love love loveeee. 😍


Love yourself, ""snap out of it!"

Great reminder! Thanks for sharing fitchick! <3

You're welcome! Love to you & your beautiful soul ❤️❤️

Brilliant post @fitchick - you've got a brilliant bod look at you! Keep the posts coming! x

Thank you! Ohhhh get ready, posts will be flowin' 😜💪🏻