January is a glorious month for most people, they're reinvigorated and determined to succeed at the goals they've laid out, especially when it comes to getting fitter. Its been the opposite for me, work has been so crazy and im only making it to the gym 1-2 times a week. The problem is I eat like a horse, so when im not training normally all those extra calories go straight to my thighs...
My wife and I made it to the gym last night around 8pm, which is super late for us, but we needed to workout. Our gym is super close to our place, but that also makes it super easy to quit early and only do half your workout. But not this night! We both did squats, bench press and some accessories. IT SUCKED! Sitting is hard, so is standing...
Kirsten is starting 5x5 and im doing a complicated program that has words in it that nobody uses. Either way we both did the same movements.
Kirstens Workout:
5x5 Squats 95lbs
5x5 Bench Press 35lbs
Auxiliary Exercises
So every week she increases the weights 5-10lbs on all exercises, she throws in cardio whenever she wants...and hates every second of it.
My workout:
4x9 Squats 220lbs
4x9 Bench Press 150lbs
Auxiliary Exercises
I randomly run for cardio, or use an Airdyne for 15 mins
Thats it, we made it, Kirsten is going to train 3 times a week and im trying to do 4.
Man, now I'm feeling lazy for only going 3 times a week, and probably only gonna make it twice this week. So far my best bench has been 121lbs (but really 55KG cause I'm in Europe) Have a 72kg squat coming up this week and I did a 115kg deadlift about two weeks ago. I think I could probably do 120kg (265lbs). My cardio is walking plates back to their stands after I'm done, and trying to lift more than I can so that I sweat. Also once every two or so months I will spend 5 minutes on a rowing machine.
I hate cardio
hahaha, same here, why make yourself feel like your going to pass out.