
in #fitness9 years ago

When people here about CrossFit, many say," I hear it's dangerous, and participants get hurt. " This has always puzzled me, because most of the members of my box get injured more playing weekend basketball, soccer, running, or just playing around then they do performing WODs.
The CrossFit = Injury narrative gained traction by an Ohio State extensive study of scores of individuals who did high intensity CrossFit training and were monitored for gains/losses in various metabolic conditioning. The study showed that most people had excellent conditioning improvements. The study also showed that 17% were injured. The metabolic conditioning improvements were correct. The injury stats were a lie. It turns out that the post doc researchers lost track of some of the participants, and took the quick easy way out and just listed them as injured, instead of tracking them down and finding out the real reasons they left the program. This study was published and widely read in the fitness community. It did a lot of damage to the CrossFit brand. Of course Ohio State sent a retraction and explanation years later, but it was too little, too late. I have done many exercise regimens in my life, and I have never enjoyed or achieved the results that CrossFit has given me.


Interesting post, but do you have any links to the original press about this? Also, you should add extra line breaks between your paragraphs to make your post read better.

I think the whole draw of Crossfit is really the community and the fact that they claim to be all-inclusive. Their exercises and "workout of the day (WOTD)" schedules are supposed to push you to do as much as you can do and to continue to strive for more, despite your current shape, size, age and/or fitness level.

But that said, there's a certain aspect to that commitment to improve your fitness level that borders on cult-ish and that's the portion that will probably lead people to over-straining themselves.

I personally don't believe in paying for exercise or gym memberships and the camaraderie of friends exercising together could be a huge motivation to get me moving. But that's just me.

At the end of the day, to each his own and no pain no gain right?

DISCLAIMER: I have friends who are in Crossfit Boxes and they think it's totally the bee knees. I myself am not one but I have pretty strongly formed opinions of the group which I hope doesn't offend.