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RE: Weight loss and fitness: A milestone for me

in #fitness6 years ago

great follow up... i like how you linked my own words into your finish :)

The thing about cardio, especially sports like B-ball (which I also enjoy) is there is a much greater chance for injury, particularly to the ankles and especially for people once they get a bit older. Weights, when done properly in a controlled environment, have almost no chance of injury unless someone overdoes it and even then it is normally just some sore muscles for a bit.

I wonder how old you are? Are you gonna see the "age shutdown" sometime soon?


Cheers :)

I'm 26. My metabolism is still very fast but sometimes I can feel some mini changes so I guess I still have a few more years. I'll make sure to enjoy it as moderately as possible though, coz I'm certain I'll miss it like crazy once it's gone.

oh yes, you are still in the prime of your stomach being able to handle whatever. I think my consumption was likely at its worst when i was your age and like i said, nothing changed until around 35. You still got a while before you really have to get worried :P