I love my dogs. . . there some days I feel like they're just little machines that convert my time and money into hair and shit, but I love my dogs nonetheless. This pair, Sophie on the left and Joy on the right, have been with me for 9 years. We got Joy at a pet store and then rescued Sophie from a backyard breeder when we realized the horror of the puppy mills that supply pet stores in Japan. It's well known that dogs provide companionship and unconditional love to their owners, but a lesser known fringe benefit is that proper care of a dog will contribute to the owner's fitness.
In case you're unfamiliar, these are Jack Russell Terriers, known to be one of the most intelligent and high energy breeds. A friend of mine put it perfectly: "They're small, but they're still REAL dogs." They're bred to run with horses and hunt rodents, and if I don't give these dogs the exercise they need, they will take their frustration out on my home and possessions without prejudice. To prevent that catastrophe, I run 2 miles with these dogs EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. It's as essential as feeding them. The upshot is that daily baseline cardio is a mandatory part of my daily routine as opposed to a "workout" that I can psychologically weasel my way out of on a bad day.
If you have a dog, try taking it out for a run today - your dog and your heart will thank you!
Forget the Energizer Bunny, Jack Russells the pups that kept going and going and going....... ;)
Indeed! If I lived in a cooler climate, I'd be running those Jacks 5 miles a day, they can go forever!