Some great advice here...
One thing to keep in mind is that most of the "common knowledge" you speak of that trickles down to the gym floor is actually based on research done by scientists and doctors who are paid by supplement companies to promote results which are beneficial to sales. This is not independent research, it's pretty much glorified advertising.
The most valuable part of this post is at the end. Results speak louder then anything and it's more about how you feel then look. Becoming healthy is a slow process if you are just beginning. Go slow and be smart or you could do more harm then good. Always listen to your body!
Words of wisdom... I've been working around a shoulder injury for 25 years that I incurred the first week I was ever in a gym. My friend had been working out for 6 months, and I decided to get under his bench press weight and push like my life depended on it. One stupid mistake at 14 years old can stay with you your whole life.
And yeah, I used to fall for those ads in the magazines back then. I remember starting one of those 2-page spreads thinking, "Hmm, what's this?" and by the end of it thinking, "I absolutely must have this stuff or it will be impossible to grow!" That's how powerful it can be if you're inexperienced and not thinking critically. Like you said, it's fabricated "science."
Thanks for coming by, Jay, and for the kind words!