Feel like a Geo-dud? Wish you could be a Geo-dude instead? Lasses and gentlemen, jr. trainers ♂ and jr. trainers ♀, Pokérobics is the answer to your woes.
Mobile Trainer Spence was weighed down and wheelchair bound until he started doing Pokérobics. Now he's walking on two feet and he has cut his weight in half! Congrats, MT Spence!
Inspired by the movements of real, wild Pokémon, Cooltrainer Mark developed "Pokérobics" in 2015 and it has since taken off in communities across Kanto, Johto, and beyond.
Curious about the fundamentals? One the keystone exercises of the program is the Bulbasaur-Squirtle-Charmander. Want to give it a go? Okay, let's get on our feet!
First, crouch into the Bulba-stance and let out a vocal, "Bulbasaur!" Good!
Then, raise and hold Squirtle posture. Grunt out an audible, "Squirtle!" Nice!
Last, we raise our arms and stretch our bodies to the sky in the Charmander pose. Go ahead, use a falsetto voice to cry out loud, "Charmander!"
Great work! But don't overdo it!
Pictures not cutting it for you? Don't worry! This 5 minute documentary will take you through a full Bulbasaur-Squirtle-Charmander, and you can learn the Clefairy, the Diglett-Dugtrio, the Psyduck, and more!
Still feeling like a Geo-dud?
Then join these excited participants in becoming the Geodude you are meant to be!
"If I can do it, you can too!" -Mobile Trainer Spence
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The Hivebuzz proposal already got an important support from the community and is close to be funded. However, it misses a few votes to get past the return proposal and your could make the difference!
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.
Thank you!Dear @jozefkrichards, we need your help!