Exercise program - Get a nice body for summer Would you like a nice and well-groomed body? Do you also think it's hard to know where and how to start? So this article is written for you! The article is written for men / boys as a starting point, however, women can collect a lot of useful information through the article.

What does the perfect body look like?
It's a matter of taste and pleasure, just like so much else. Therefore, this article is based on my point of view and can thus be written a little subjective. I think, however, that many people will agree with what I think is "the perfect body". It is best described as athletic.
The most important thing about a beautiful body is:
- Good muscle mass
- Low fat percentage
- Functional strength that can be used in everyday life
- Here you will find good advice in the article for training programs that can ensure you gain greater muscle mass. Low fat percentage, you can read more about here: Diet: How to eat to a well-groomed body
Is there one training program that can give everyone a nice body?
The answer is NO! There are a lot of training programs, principles, theories and methods out there. There may be a difference in how our bodies react to the training. There are several factors involved: muscle fiber type of composition, previous training experience, genetics, etc. Everything has an influence on, inter alia, the diet, how we respond to physical exercise. There are people with really good genes who should do very little to get good training results. And then there are others who have to fight a little more for it.
Everyone has different goals with their weight training: Common to the vast majority is the dream of bigger and clearer muscles.
Point 1. Selection of exercises

The first thing you need to think about before you go to the gym for the first time is what training program and hence what exercises you want to train. My advice to all beginners is to train a fullbody program built on basic exercises. It is a program where all major muscle groups are hit every time you train. Now there are already some who think: Basic exercises?
Basic exercises or multiple exercises are exercises where several muscle groups are included in the movement. A good workout program, whether it's fullbody or a split program, should in my eyes include:
Squat - http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/BBFullSquat.html
Death Lift - http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/ErectorSpinae/BBDeadlift.html
Bench Press - http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/BBBenchPress.html
Bent-over Row - http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/BackGeneral/BBBentOverRow.html
Military Press - http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidAnterior/BBMilitaryPress.html
Throughout these 5 exercises, all the body's larger muscles are affected. It does not take long to complete 5 exercises and therefore the exercise does not take more than 1 hour.
Many of the exercises are quite complex and require some technical training. Bad technique = Injuries and poor benefit from training. It is therefore incredibly important to learn the right technology right away. Therefore, I recommend contacting a competent instructor in your center. And make him show you how the exercises are performed correctly. You will probably be impatient to get a few pounds on the pole, but you will thank yourself for many years if you start learning the technique so that it sits on the backbone of the first whistle.
Point 2. How many times should each exercise be exercised?

The number of sets and repetitions is very important. Set = Number of sets of each exercise. Repeat = Repeat in each set. The combination of Set x Repetitions can be made very advanced and it has a big impact on your workout as it is the factor that determines to what extent you want to stimulate your muscles. As a beginner you should keep it simple: therefore, I would recommend training 5 sets of x 5 repetitions in Squat, Benchpres and Dødløft. And 3 sets x 10 repetitions in the other exercises. Squat, Bench Press and Dødløft are the three basic exercises in which it is important to build a good strength quickly because all three exercises give a clear return for the rest of your program. 5 sets x 5 repetitions, a combination that faithfully delivers the entire package to the vast majority of beginners. In the rest of the exercises you run 3 sets of x 10 repetitions, which aim to create a greater stimulation against muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth). There are divided opinions on which repetition rate is best suited for muscle hypertrophy. However, a recent study has shown that it does not depend so much on the number of repetitions, but instead that you train for fatigue in each set and ensure that you have sufficient exercise volume (amount of exercise). However, it is extremely important that you get 100% control of the technique in the exercises BEFORE you start to throw enough weight on the rod and train for fatigue. Therefore, 8-12 repetitions are a good place to start - when you take the last repeat, you may want to feel that you have the profit to take one or two repetitions, but do not agree. This will ensure that you will be easier to perform the technique correctly and avoid damage during boot.
Point 3. Good advice to you.
Again, if you have never exercised before, it is a good idea to start up very slowly and learn the exercises completely before you begin to drive heavily. It may seem boring, but it is the best choice you can make. Starting up with too much load and bad technique makes it very difficult to get rid of later. Start your training with good habits and get full benefits.
Another thing I think you should avoid here in the beginning is what is called "failure" and "forced reps".
Failure is the condition you hit when you are no longer able to lift / press a given resistor. For example, if you The bench presses 60 kg and performs 9 repetitions, but on the 10th it has no more forces halfway and must give up. You're wrong, so you're driving to "failure."
Forced reps are when you get help from a mate to lift the weight. Eg. If you drive 9 reps with 60 kg in bench press, then your partner will help you to run 2 repetitions more. Many think it's about "smashing" their body completely and then achieving the best rebuilding of the muscle. It is a very common misunderstanding. Failure and forced reps should only be used very rarely - even if practiced. Training must be hard and heavy, but it is about maintaining a good quality in the training.
Failure and Forced reps strain both the muscle and especially your central nervous system to such an extent that your refund is extended. So you have to wait for a long time before your body is ready to make the most of it.
Therefore, the danger of overtraining or stagnation is greater with the use of failure and forced reps.
I have published another training program on this page, for those who have trained for a long time, where I have implemented the use of forced reps. You can find it here.
In your workouts, strive for the following break intervals:
In Benkpres, Squat and Dødløft you will have a 1½-2 minute break. In the remaining exercise, take a 1-1½ minute break.
Point 4. How often do I have to work out?
I recommend all beginners who train a full body training program to train at least 2-3 times a week. It is important that the muscles are allowed to recover after training. Therefore, I recommend training Monday, Wednesday and Friday / Saturday. This gives the muscles the necessary refund after each workout.

by summer is too long, with what I am doing I am going to have the body of my dreams in time for St. Valentine's ;)
Lol, buddy! :D