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RE: The Get In Shape Challenge Is Officially Over!

in #fitness7 years ago

Weirdly, I lost about 10 pounds while in Barcelona before the competition... and we didn't do anything special, and did EVERYTHING wrong eating-wise: croissants and a latte for breakfast, tons of bread with everything, dinner as late as midnight sometimes, and plenty of wine and beer.

I'm EXTREMELY into health and fitness, and I've 'eaten right' for years, and activity levels have been high (even to the point of running trail marathons, and riding my bicycle across both Canada and the US at different times. In fact, I was in ketosis for much of the time I did a solo bike tour across the US) and tried many different forms of healthy diet from raw vegan to ketogenic, been gluten free for years, no sugar for years, didn't drink alcohol except sparingly for years, nothing with 'empty calories' for years, and no weight loss and, in fact, I've gained weight at times.

Then do all the 'wrong' things and lose weight! LOL.

Welcome to my life.


Pretty sure there are people that would kill to get your body chemistry. LOL

Be careful if you suddenly notice guys in lab coats following you. ;-)