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RE: On Reaching Ketosis - The Keto Cut Day 4

in #fitness7 years ago

Thanks, I also go as heavy as I can (while still staying in the rep ranges). I'm a form nut, so if I can't do something for reps with near-perfect form, then I will drop the weight until I can.

Hmm, they may have a different name, but they're really popular in drug stores near me like Walgreens for example.

That's a phenomenal idea, I definitely will try and make something like that, thanks for the suggestion @teutonium!


I'm giving you suggestions left and right :P I need to start charging you for these ideas ahha, just kiding, have fun on your diet, i'm also trying to cut down a little, i was eating way to many carbs, my body was starting to store a little fat, i could decrease the protein and fat, but i like to have bought in a good amount, 220g protein and 100g fat, sometimes 250g P /130 fat, it really depends on how i'm feeling :P My body grows just by having a large supply of protein, 220g is more than enough in my experience