Gymnastics skills practice
I had a busy day today, so I had to split my training up into two sessions
Morning session
10 minutes Indian club swinging
Commando rocking
FTW squats
Butterfly hip flows
Ring training
Muscle up negatives 8 * 3 reps
Deep dips 3 * 5 reps
Skin the cat 3 * 6 reps
Front lever static holds 8, 8, 6 seconds
Back lever static holds 8, 8, 8 seconds
One arm ice cream makers 4R, 4L
53 reps
Afternoon session
5 minutes Indian club swinging
Wrist extension stretches
Parallette training
GMB fitness parallettes one - twice
Planche leans - 5 * 8 second static holds, various feet postions
V-sit to tuck planche static holds 3 * 5 reps
Straddle press to shoulderstand 5 * 5 reps with 1/2 HSPU on 1 rep each set
Kick to handstand and fall through Planche 3 * 3 reps
56 reps
56 + 53 = 109 reps
I'm making some progress on the muscle ups by focusing on negatives and concentrating on the transition, I've still got a long way to go but the transition is feeling a lot slower and lot more controlled. I have no idea how long it will take me to achieve a muscle like this but I'm hoping I'll be able to do it later this year. I can do muscle on a bar by bouncing out of an arch in the bottom position but that really feels like cheating compared to a slow controlled muscle up the rings.
I'm closing in on an unsupported HSPU on parallettes too. I can't really afford to take a tumble doing one of these because of my dodgy knee, so I'm holding myself back until I can do a slow fully controlled HSPU and not risk falling and putting myself out of action. Maybe I'll have this skill back in about 6 weeks or so.
Matt's 100 rep challengeThe challenge is @steemmatt 's 100 rep challenge
Banner artwork by @bearone
Muscle ups are tough on rings
Awesome form mate, well done!
Cheers mate!
Very impressive work out @khufu.
muscle ups have a lot to do with technique. With your strength values you should be able to do this, especially because I think the 8sec Frontlever is definitely more difficult.
I would therefore guess that it is much more about technique and execution than about strength. For example, I can't hold the frontlever fully stretched on the rings for 8 seconds, but I can make you 8 clean muscle ups on the rings.
Yeah the technique definitely plays a big part @booster916, I still haven't perfected the false grip so that 's holding me back a bit. I get to the transition and I'm slipping from a false grip to a finger grip. I'm not sure if it's the rings I'm using (they are a thicker section than normal) or if I just need more practice.
I can do fast muscle ups on the rings but I'm focusing on slowing it down to get a slow one for now.