March 3rd Gymnastics skills practice - challenge completed

in #fitness7 years ago

Gymnastics skills practice (morning session)


10 minutes Indian club swinging
12 Pullups


Planche leans - 4 * 8 second static holds
V-sit to tuck Planche 3 * 3 reps
GMB fitness Parallettes one - full flow
Straddle press to shoulder stand 4 * 4 reps
Skin the cats - 3 * 6 reps
Front lever - 4 * 6 second static holds
Back lever- 4 * 6 second static holds
Ice cream makers - 3 * 6 reps
One arm chinup negatives 6R, 6L
Kettlebell clean squat press - 20kg L 24kg R 4 reps, 24kg L 28kg R 4 reps
One arm chinup negatives - 3R, 3L
Kettlebell clean squat press - 20kg L 24kg R 4 reps, 24kg L 28kg R 4 reps

108 reps total

Afternoon session

18km MTB ride


I seem to be down on strength for the front and back lever today, I'm not sure what's going on there I hope it's just one of those days and not a trend. I managed to dislocate my knee a few times doing the straddle press but it popped back in without any problems so no harm done. I'm feeling a lot stronger on the MTB and I can push the big ring most of the time now. I might even drop the leg day from now on & just ride 4 or 5 times a week instead.

The challenge is @steemmatt's 100 rep a day challenge
Matt's 100 rep challenge


How's that knee going Khufu?

It's moving again now Stacey, it's still very loose and unstable but it's much better than it was last week.

Thanks for asking.