Thanks for sharing another part of the keton diet @khaleelkhazi. That study contains a lot of data but hard to make complete sense out of it. It seems that runners on a low carbohydrate diet naturally burn more fat. The study did not talk about the side effects of a low carbohydrate diet.
Back in the days athletes prepared by eating lots of pasta but I'm really curious how runners prepare the night before a race. Actually the marathon winners from Kenya do not eat much meat. They eat grains and vegetables. Some even fast before running. Use these search words "Eat like a Kenyan, run like a Kenyan." to find an informative and interesting article about running and diet.
Stay happy and healthy
proper ketogenic diet - one who's getting the right amount of fats) is a decrease in short bursts of strength. I've noticed that a little bit as well but it's really a tiny difference that's hardly noticeable. I can still move the same amount of weight, it just feels a tiny more effort is required.Thanks for reading and leaving your thoughts @mineopoly! Yeah, the study was more specifically homing in on the fact that those who run on a ketogenic diet are able to more efficiently use the little amount of carbs that they do have in their bodies. The only real performance side effects that I've heard of (from someone who's on a
I will definitely read that article, thanks for the suggestion! And yeah this paper addresses those types of runners who "carb-load" pre-race. At the end of the race a "carb-loaded" athlete and a low-carb athlete had the same amount of carbs left over in their bodies which tells us that the carb-deprived athlete burned far less carbs during the race than the carb-loaded athlete. Interesting stuff!
Thanks for your reply. I can at least catch my mistake when I look at my comment again. "fast before eating." I meant "fast before running." LOL
Of course! Haha I make small mistakes all the time as well, nobody's perfect and it's the thoughtfulness that counts (of which you have an abundance!)