Only 3 weeks left!

in #fitness7 years ago

I can't believe it's already week 7!

This is the final 3 week stretch in the program, all the weights increase again 5%. The rep schemes are

  • 5 @75%
  • 3 @85%
  • 1+ @95%

Gonna be a heavy few weeks!

imageBit chilly out here.

Ok let's get into the warm up!

Decided to add some double unders just for that extra movement to get warmer haha.

Working sets.


I also threw in an extra warm up rep, just so I wasn't jumping 105lbs to get into the first set. I was feeling pretty strong after the first two sets so I decided I was gonna go for 3 on the top set.

The second rep felt alot slower than it was so I'm glad I still went for 3 because the third rep actually moved at about the speed the second had felt. I ain't mad about that.

imageTime to work.



I didn't superset with kettlebell swings like I usually do, simply because I'd forgotten to bring the handle to the adjustable kb in the house the night before so it was pretty darn frigid. I've been doing a ton of kettlebell swings lately so I don't think it'll be detrimental to my workout to skip it once.

imageThose heavy rows tho!



I'm pretty sure 10 rounds is a PR for this workout. Previously I'd jumped into this amrap real hot, gassed myself, and spent alot more time suckin air and ended up with 9 rounds barely.
I took a more conservative approach this time and kept a moderate consistent speed and ended up just barely squeaking by a 10th round. I'm pretty happy with that.

As always:

Join us HERE if you need that extra push to get out there and get active. Even without weights you can find some metcons that will absolutely roast you and help you lose weight in less than 20 minutes. It's a win win people.

Ok have a great day and GET THOSE REPS IN!


Ahh I should've look for your post before I crunched the numbers again. Caught this before posting.

Wow you go heavier in your conditioning than I do in my normal workout.

Dude my back is roasted today haha. But man, I think there's a lot of gains to be made just using some weights in a quick circuit like that.