Overcoming obstacles on heavy squats.

in #fitness7 years ago

What's up everyone?

It's squat day!
As usual, Tarick is joining me. It's our first squat workout at the new weight percentages so we were excited about going a little heavier.

imageWe movin some weight now, y'all.

Warm up:
As far as the warm up goes, we actually did the same warm up I did yesterday because Tarick thought it looked fun and wanted to do it. Needless to say, my shoulders were extra roasted after this lol

Working sets:
After the fail on the first workout with 340lbs I was pretty worried going into 360lbs for a top set.
As you'll see in the video, I actually ended up failing the first attempt. The bar was a little higher on my traps than it should have been and ended up folding me over but I wasn't about to have a repeat of that failed workout so I reracked it and got back under the bar.

I focused on having a better, more stable walk out and slower controlled descent so I wasn't slamming down and trying to come to an abrupt stop at parallel. I think that is an issue I really need to work on, sometimes I'm just too anxious to get the reps done and don't pay enough attention to a controlled rep.
I'm definitely going to be improving on that moving forward.

Front squats:
We went 10 lbs heavier on each set since we're in the final block. I think we could have gone up 15 lbs, but whatever maybe next week we will.
I feel like we both moved really well on front squats.

imageTarick gettin them low low squats!

This one was fun, but unfortunately I forgot to start the timelapse so you'll just have to use your imaginations haha. Tarick used the ab wheel and I did toes to bar.
The +19 and +30 on my side are double unders. Since there was only one spot for the box jumps, I ended up waiting on Tarick to finish his box jumps before I could start mine so I cranked out 19 d.u.'s, and after I finished my third round I decided to do d.u.'s until he finished his final round and ended up getting another 30.

Rep count:

If you're new to the blog and are thinking, "Why is this guy counting his reps?" I'd direct you to the fitness challenge and urge you to join us. We're building a strong community not only because everyone is super cool but also because we're all pushing each other to get stronger every day.

Ok guys I hope you enjoyed watching me overcome that failure and I'm looking forward to hearing about your workout as well!
Have a great night!


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