Good luck, Robert! You and I are in the same boat. I am 6' and about 245 at the moment. I tend to have a lot of muscle weight as well, but the fat is really putting me over the edge. If I didn't have so much muscle to burn the fat, I think I'd be at least 300lbs right now.
I think the best I ever looked and felt was at age 30 when I weighed between 190-200. I was working out a lot in those days. I am fed up with this belly!
Yep that's funny. Because I would be the exact same thing. i.e. over 300lbs. It's 5 in morning here right now. Just woke up to feed the dog. And proud because I did NOT snack late last night lie usual. Just one protein bar for dinner. And I will drink protein drink here in a few minutes. Just determined to get to 210 or so :)