Heres some sweet and yellow potatoes i'm going to fry using coconut oil.
I used these ingredients. And keep in mind this is the flavoring i like and you may have a different preference.
Heres my homemade guacamole ingredients which i'll be mixing with some lentils and quinoa and to keep it raw i dont mix it in untill after its cool enough.
After eating a meal like this i suggest doing some activity but its up to you. And since i'm type 1 diabetic, eating this much would require more insulin than i would like to inject, and so to keep the amount of insulin low at 5ml/cc units i tend to walk for 1 hour or a bit more. But instead of walking long distance today i was shoveling snow for 35-40 min in the front and back yard which i finished doing 35 min ago and heres my blood test result 8.3 mmol/L. However i will have to inject 2 more units unless i walk at least 1 hour or possibly more. Keep in mind this works for me and individual results may vary.
Nice! I LOVE potato based meals!