Howdy everyone!
This will be a shorter post but a rather important one for me.
I'm out of shape, I know it and I know I need to work on it. But this was really hit home recently as I start prepping for the summer.
Over the summer I will be working at a campground and getting around under my own power most of the time. Its a beautiful campground and I definitely don't mind walking around. Sometimes speed is of the essence though and I need something faster than my own feet. So I talked to my grandpa to see if they had any bikes that I could start riding around and he said he might have one that could use some touching up in a friends garage but was definitely usable, so we went down to get it out. It's a beauty:
I started to ride it back to the house and whoo boy, my legs were burning. Suffice to say walking and biking just shot way up on my list.
Have a good day and stay in shape y'all!
God bless!
I like that bike, especially since it has a horn. Although as the terrain looks I can imagine the effort you have to make to run on it.!
The bike isn't bad but the wheels are the issue with the terrain!
What's the terrain like? just traction problems or curves and ups?
Traction (sandy gravely) along with hilly and curvy. I ride it at a campground.
Climbing a hill must be difficult, but going down with it must be quite an adventure! ;)
First time I went down a big hill on it I was actually slightly scared. The front wheel was all over the place. And sand makes braking hard.
But it is in those moments where you feel pure adrenaline, moments that despite being dangerous it is good to live from time to time, of course as long as the risk is not so high, and remember to always use protection!
I haven't exercised in a long time, I imagine what I should look like if I do after so much time. I recommend that you don't force yourself the first time, it starts with warm-ups or your body will regret it. God bless you!
It's better to ride a bike than on foot, that bike is beautiful.
Its an awesome bike. But some days I do enjoy walking through the woods rather than biking. I can enjoy Gods creation more when I'm walking.
Lend me that bike hahahaha
Eaiser said than done XD
Give me that bike for my birthday then hahahaha.
Sadly its not mine to give. Happy birthday!
thank you ♥
Idk bikes, that could be some classic worth a mint.
Bike every day and you'll get used to it.
Channel your inner Travis Bickle,
It was bought new in the past decade so its not an antique XD
Ancient times.
I hope this is still going well for you @prlndra
My favourite bit of bike kit is a helmet-mount rear-view mirror. If you ride in traffic, consider one.
Currently, it's all in a campground so not much need for the mirror but I do see a place for them. And my schedule changed around a bit and we had nasty weater for a few days so I haven't ridden in awhile.
I hope weather turns good for you. That bike looks FUN to ride !