Don't let your pride destroy your life. Watch as this man snaps his spine in half in what perhaps may be commonly known to the fitness world as "ego lifting".
Whether it be to break another record, having bragging rights, or maybe this guy was just that determined, folks the objective of weightlifting is to reduce the risk of injury and obtain or maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am sure he had no intention of snapping his spine in half but we have to be careful with trying to responsibly improve personal records (PR).
Weightlifting can be fun but as you can see it can also be scary. So, be careful, try to consult someone with experience or knowledgeable on the topic. Until next time.
For further tips: Please check and practice proper form, weightlifting straps may not be the best for deadlifts, and geez with a name like (deadlift) you would be safe not doing them at all lol jk don't be a pussy but be wise.
Cardinal Adam Muema-Lieutenant General
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This is terrible. It's not something he gets much chance to learn from, either. It isn't as though his spine will heal and let him try again with more wisdom. Hopefully, others learn from it at least.
Uh,and for what ?
HIs pride and ego in his way...sad that happen to him.
Madness... may others learn from this.
OUCH! I felt that pain...
That, had to hurt...
Proverbs 16:18
18Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling.
That... I just... I got no real words that would be helpful. Let others learn from his mistake...
That does not sound like it could be pleasant at all, I don't think I can even watch it!